My Experiment with WhisperTranscribe

My Experiment with WhisperTranscribe

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Ultimate Repurposing Tool Or Disappointment? 🤔🤷‍♂️

Pre-buy Research [26-Dec-23]

Before subscribing, I had question about folders/workspaces, which I got answered by Founder 👍.


Day 1 [26-Dec-23] Experiment

After login to my account, realized that there is nothing but only downloads available in the account. 🤔

WhisperTranscribe Account
WhisperTranscribe Account

It is desktop software, not the cloud based application 🤷‍♂️. I have downloaded and installed the application. After some issues, I could login to that, but my happiness was not long lasted 😔

I just tried one small 4 minute you-tube video to transcribe. but absolutely not worked. I tried it again and again for hours, but got 'Server Unreachable' error and Transcribe button went into infinite loop 😠

WhisperTranscribe Welcome Error
WhisperTranscribe Welcome Error

Raised support ticket immediately, let's see how support team solves the problem.

WhisperTranscribe Support Ticket
WhisperTranscribe Support Ticket

Day 2 [27-Dec-23] Disappointment Continued !

Got the response from founder stating problem might be from Open AI Side

WhisperTranscribe Ticket Response
WhisperTranscribe Ticket Response

I tried to do it again with my small 1 minute video, but same problem still there. Transcribe button getting into loop and nothing is moving ahead. Not a single minute is consumed from my total minutes quota because nothing worked since beginning.

WhisperTranscribe Still Error
WhisperTranscribe Still Error

My disappointment still continues about the product 😔

I thought 1 minute is too short duration, so tried it for 4 minute video, but still same issue !

Day 3 [28-Dec-2023] Issue Detected by Team

I got the update from founder that, this issue is with my Internet Service Provider (i.e. Tata Play Fibre). Somehow it is not allowing me to download YouTube video thru Wisper Transcript Application.

Whisper Transcribe - Internet Service Provider issue
Whisper Transcribe - Internet Service Provider issue

Initially I got surprised with it. I connected my VI internet mobile hotspot to laptop and Bingo ! it worked well. But definitely this will be big issue for me because I can't change my Internet Service Provider and downloading video using mobile hotspot is not feasible for me really.

What I decided it, anyway my team members will be using this software, not me. So as long as it works well on their machine with their Internet Service provider. I am OK.

So, I request you all to check compatibility of Whisper Transcribe software with your Internet Service Provider.

Day 4 [30-Dec-23] No synching on multiple devices

Its great that, they allow to install it on multiple devices under one licence. So I got it installed on my team member's machine. But so sad again, they dont have synching option available in multiple devices.

I have to use it locally on each device separately. There is no synching at all. Even I can't access my stuff over cloud.

Whisper Transcribe Synching
Whisper Transcribe Synching

My Conclusion


  • Biggest positive point is this is the only product which allows BYOK (Bring Your Own Key Option) facility which enables you to have unlimited transcription and repurposing. 👍

  • Folders option is there which helps you to segment your artifacts. 👍

  • Repurposing options are also good enough when I compare it with other competitor tools. 👍


  • It is desktop app and no web app available 👎

  • For some Internet Service Providers (like in my case Tata Play Fibre), it has issues. 👎

  • There is no synching options available while using it on multiple devices. 👎

My advise is that,

if you yourself is going to repurpose your content on your local machine, they you can consider Whisper Transcribe 👍 .

Just make sure it works fine with your Internet Service Provider.

Founder already mentioned in 2024 Q1, synching will be available. You can cross verified from founder whether its done or not.

Do you want to acquire your copy of Whisper Transcribe product?

Click here to drop msg to my team to know best deals.

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